Thames British School
Thames British School, a prestigious school in Warsaw, Poland, approached us to create a short, introductory film to celebrate the opening of their new campus in Piaseczno. As a team, we were thrilled to take on the project and help promote the school's values and ethos.
Filming around children can be a challenge, particularly as they may not always act naturally. Despite this, we wanted to create a film that accurately represented the school and the children's experiences.

Our main focus for the project was to capture the essence of the school and showcase the daily experiences of its students, rather than just highlighting the campus' architectural details. To achieve this, we spent several days observing and filming the students' activities and interactions.
Despite the challenges of working around young children, we were able to produce a well-narrated and well-shot film that accurately reflected the school's atmosphere and the children's experiences. We used a variety of camera angles and techniques to capture the students' natural expressions and interactions, which helped make the film engaging and authentic.

The final product was met with positive feedback from the client, they were impressed with our ability to accurately showcase the school's facilities and the happy children. We were glad to be able to help Thames British School celebrate the opening of their new campus and promote their commitment to providing an excellent education for their students.